
Fire Attack and Prevention
Emergency Medical
Rescue / Extrication / HazMat

        • Fuels Mitigation
        • Property Assessments
        • Controlled Burns and Permits

Norwood Fire District

Community Resources

Fire Attack and Prevention
The Norwood Fire Protection District (NFPD) has two initial fire attack engines, one 2,000-gallon tactical tender, two brush/wildland engines and a Forest Service engine. We have the capability of offloading 16,000 gallons of water with additional drop tanks. The town of Norwood has fire hydrants for local fire suppression. Our team of three full-time and 24 volunteer State-certified firefighters respond to all types of calls to service.
Prevention programs are a top priority. Qualified instructors teach classes year-round including CPR, basic and advanced first aid, home safety and fire extinguisher training, and the popular “Learn Not to Burn” program in our schools.

Emergency Medical
We have one full-time paramedic and 17 certified EMT’s that respond with two ALS (advanced life support) ambulances and one ALS QRV (quick response vehicle). We have a back-up ambulance in our satellite station in Redvale and a helicopter landing zone at the Uncompahgre Medical Center in town. All our EMT’s are IV and EKG certified.

The NFPD conducts vehicle extrication, and in conjunction with the San Miguel County Search and Rescue (SAR) team, provides high/low angle, wilderness, and water rescue.
We have one HazMat technician and six HazMat operation level members.

Our Wildland team stands ready for Federal and State wildfire assignments. As well as leading our teams, the Wildland Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator conduct defensible space assessments, property mitigations, tree cutting, forest thinning, controlled burn assistance and other fire mitigation services.

AED Map 2023